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The WE Mission & Movement

WE have created a news outlet that has the stories specific to the needs of our community. Make sure to check out the options in the menu and reach out to us if you have a story to share!

What Is WE?

Wealth & Equity (WE) is a movement to unite the life insurance & financial services industries around:

Empowering Black Families

We will educate, underwrite, and empower Black families with life insurance and financial education to create Black WEALTH

Supporting Black Financial Advisors

We will unite 10,000 Black agents and advisors, and provide industry EQUITY to ensure their success in production, leadership, and ownership

Transforming Black Communities

We will steer a collective action to provide every Black family with life insurance and investment plan to create financial stability, economic opportunity, and multigenerational wealth!

After George Floyd’s death and the social justice awakening across America that followed, the insurance industry rallied with pledges to end racial bias, and companies joined forces to make historic investments into communities of color. The Wealth and Equity (WE) movement intends to further extend the industry’s positive impact on Black families and communities by taking the lead in coordinating the efforts of Black life insurance agents and financial advisors to build, protect, and transfer Black wealth with life insurance, investments, and financial education. 

WE is changing how Black Americans use life insurance to close the Racial Wealth Gap

Black families have not traditionally used life insurance as a wealth building tool in the same way as white families have, and this has resulted in life insurance being a major contributing factor to the racial wealth gap–both, historically and currently. 

WE independent research estimates that only 2% of the entire $90 billion* in annual death claims paid by life insurance companies in 2020 were delivered to Black families, who represent 13% of the U.S. population. This disparity in inheritance payout results in millions of dollars collectively received by Black families, versus billions of dollars collectively received by white families, that can be used as down payments for homes, college educations, supplementing retirements, and startup capital for new businesses, etc. 

Without focusing on closing this racial inheritance gap with the upcoming Greatest Transfer of Wealth that will happen over the next 20-years as Baby Boomers retire and expire, the size of the racial wealth gap in America will undoubtedly grow larger and may even become too great to ever close.

So we created the...

Uniting Black Agents to be the best we can be, serving the community we love.

The Wealth and Equity Portal

(WE Portal) has been designed to be the online home and one-stop shop for Black Insurance agents & financial advisors on our collective path to making a difference.

Personal communications hub to support one another, and to become agents of change in the Wealth & Equity movement
Information source, marketing resource, and gateway for training and coaching
Network for cross-industry collaboration and referrals
Job board featuring employers making a difference in the Black community
Extension of the 124-year Black history of successes in insurance and financial services

WE are connected by culture
WE are united in purpose
WE are grounded in history
WE are guided by an overarching plan


The Wealth and Equity Founding Team

Eugene Mitchell

Roderick G. White

Christian Nwasike

Check Out Some Of Our Partners

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Let’s come together to empower Black families,
support Black financial advisors, and transform Black communities!

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